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Atholl Brose Liqueur | 750ML


Liqueur: Atholl Brose | 750ML

Delicious blend of Benromach single malt whisky (from Speyside) with a blend of honey and herbs. Produced by Gordon & Macphail Scotch Whisky Distillers.

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NOTICE: Many other small liquor store sites will end up cancelling your order due to the high demand, unavailability or inaccurate inventory counts. We have the ability to source from a large network of licensed retailers to insure in most cases your order is fulfilled.

Size: 750ML

Proof: 70 (35% ABV)

Origin: Scotland

Distillery: Gordon & MacPhail


Detailed Description

Atholl Brose : Atholl Brose is a classic Scotch whisky liqueur made by Gordon & MacPhail. The recipe was inspired by an ancient Highland quaff, and it includes honey, select herbs and single malt whisky.

Atholl Brose Liqueur | 750ML Tasting Notes

Nose: Full-bodied aroma.

Palate: This is extremely rich and very balanced in taste.

Finish: Lingering finish.

Where to buy Atholl Brose Liqueur | 750ML?

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